Linksys Router configuration || Linksys router setup




Linksys Router configuration


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Internet Setup:

Now I will show how to Linksys Router configuration. We can use WiFi and Local Area Network with Linksys Router.we will take from ISP( IP, GW, Subnet mask, and DNS) or user name and Password or DHCP system. if ISP is giving us ( IP, GW, Subnet mask and DNS) then we will configure this system are given below :

Now we configure statically: at first, we browse Gateway (such as in any browser and press user name=admin, password=admin.

step1:  Basic setup > select static IP =, subnet mask=,Gateway= and

DNS1=,DNS2=,DNS3=8.8.8( ISP will give IP,Subnet mask, Gateway) put in the router

step2: put Local IP Address= and subnet mask= > DHCP Server Enable > save settings

step3: Local Network select >put Local IP Address= and subnet mask= > DHCP Server Enable > save settings. “we can apply for  start IP address= and End IP Address= it is not mandatory”. now it is ready for Local Area Network.

WiFi configuration:

step1: Click wireless > Wireless Network Mode= Mixed > SSID=Black Dimond WiFi Zone( you can any name) > wireless channel =6-2.437GHz > wireless SSID Broadcast Enable > save settings

step2: wireless security > security mode=WPA Enterprise, Password=corollasmitth582 > save settings. now we can use Internet with WiFi.



Howdy! I’m Arafat Bidyut, Co-founder of a popular tech blog greentechrevolution, and a BSc in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering.

With a passion for all things related to Wi-Fi routers, network devices, and software troubleshooting, my goal is to unravel the complexities of technology and make it accessible to everyone.

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